Get Involved

Together we can create opportunities that prepare Michigan's youth for their futures.
Program Partners
Our program partners are the boots on the ground, working with our youth every day, to support and motivate them to achieve their goals. This network of Michigan Works! agencies, community organizations and school districts enable us to reach more young people throughout the state of Michigan to help them develop soft skills, deal with and overcome challenges, and set goals for future success.

Employer Partners
Each year over 10,000 young people drop out of high school, limiting their chances of qualifying for Michigan’s high demand careers because 88% of the available jobs require a diploma. With over 100 employer partners statewide, we involve youth in learning about available careers and help them achieve the education and experience needed to land these jobs.
Community Partners
Our programs exist to inspire and connect youth to achieve a future beyond imagination and in turn, this helps the communities in which they live, thrive. Community partners, who are individuals, organizations, and businesses, are vital to the success of the young people we serve. Let’s discuss ways you can get involved.

Funding Partners
We are grateful for the recurring support from all our funding partners. On behalf of the 28,100+ young people whose lives you’ve touched, thank you for your commitment!

The partnership with JMG, over the last six years, has been one of the most strategic investments for Strada Education Network to engage with a program working directly with schools and students to prevent disengagement and which is having progressive and positive impact.
- Pat Roe, Vice President of Philanthropy, Strada Education Network