Jobs for Michigan's Graduates

Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) is a comprehensive program for youth in and out of schools, helping them identify a pathway for post-secondary success while overcoming individual barriers.
What We Do

JMG uses the well-established Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) model with components including classroom instruction, competency-based curriculum, adult mentoring, advising and support, employment training/work experiences, career exposure, student-led leadership development and postsecondary education exploration. JMG offers career exploration and essential skills development in 80 Michigan cities, with over 126 programs serving 5,000+ youth annually.
JMG focuses on supporting youth in an in-and-out of school context emphasizing dropout prevention, dropout recovery, and school-to-career transition. A key component of JMG programming is the relationship between youth and the JMG specialist who deliver the program. Specialists are trained in trauma informed care and not only focus on the educational development of their youth, but also on their emotional well-being.
Life Skills Taught at 100 Locations
Pathways to Employment
Annual Youth-focused Events
A Built-In Networking Community
Program Models

Middle School
Out of School
College Success

Our Outcomes
graduation rate, 12+ years running
of JMG high school graduates further their education
youth have been served in the JMG program since 2008
*Total number as of 7/1/24*

Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates is the Michigan affiliate of the national Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) network, one of the largest and most successful student-centered programs that help young people achieve their fullest potential.

The Role of the JMG Specialist
The role of the Specialist is part Social Worker, part Teacher and part Career Counselor. Although those three professions seem very different, they have one important common trait: all three professions coach people to reveal better versions of themselves. Specialists are also supportive caring adults in the lives of their youth; the key to building resiliency. They also serve as mentors and advocates.