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Empowering Michigan's Youth: A Year of Outstanding Results and Transformative Outcomes

Envision a Michigan where all youth are educated, employed and career-bound. They graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary education and the workforce with purpose front-and-center and the skills needed to succeed. At Youth Solutions, we are working on turning this vision into reality through our transformative Jobs for Michigan's Graduates (JMG) program, and the remarkable data and outcomes we have achieved serve as undeniable proof.

In Michigan, 85% of available jobs demand a high school diploma or higher. This statistic fuels our excitement to share that our JMG program has met all six of the rigorous performance targets set by Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) across all three of our program models: Multi-Year, Alternative Education, and Out-of-School. Among the multitude of metrics we measure, there are three in particular that we are exceptionally proud of: our graduation rate, employment rate, and further education rate. These year-end outcomes are particularly impressive as we’ve served more youth than ever before this year: 4,469. These numbers are a testament to our partnerships with all 16 Michigan Works! agencies and the unwavering dedication of our youth and the exceptional work of our JMG specialists.

Without a high school diploma, Michigan youth are 61% more likely to be unemployed, 59% more likely to live below the poverty line, and 3.5 times more likely to be incarcerated than their peers with a diploma as their highest level of educational attainment. Hence, we proudly acknowledge the achievements of our network and express deep appreciation for the vital role our JMG specialists play. Their collective efforts have been instrumental in paving the way towards a brighter future.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can partner with us and contribute towards our goal of ensuring every young person in Michigan receives the education, employment, and career opportunities they deserve, contact us through our website. Together, we can inspire and connect youth to achieve a future beyond imagination.


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