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Find the Connection to Your Talent Needs

"Help Wanted” signs are everywhere. We know that finding quality candidates to fill open jobs is a constant challenge. That’s why Youth Solutions has partnered with The Manufacturers Growth Alliance (MGA) to create a free webinar “Find the Connection to Your Talent Needs” on Tuesday, October 26 at 10:00 am. MGA is a membership-based organization that provides services to help manufacturers build smart, lead strong, and establish a pathway for future growth. Their services drive solutions that will make manufacturing in Michigan the most competitive and prosperous in the nation.

Attendees of the webinar will learn how Youth Solutions can be the connection to their talent needs. This webinar partnership will offer manufacturing businesses across the state information on Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) and the wide range of youth in the program who are gaining the skills that make them job ready and stand out among their peers. Attendees to the webinar will learn how a small investment of time can turn into a prosperous opportunity to meet talent that can fill their needs. To learn more about MGA and the webinar, visit their website here.


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