The House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees reported their Budget recommendations on April 20, and Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates was funded in each.
The Michigan House General Government subcommittee included Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates funding at our requested $3.75M, but is only appropriating a quarter of the fiscal year. Lansing news source Gongwer reported this as an, “unprecedented quarterly approach toward appropriations…” We’ll keep you updated as we learn more about this new approach and what it means for us.
The Senate sub-committee also included Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates funding at the requested $3.75M level; however, they also included an additional $1.25M with required matching. This takes the Senate’s recommendation for JMG funding in FY 2022 to $5M total. A surprising recommendation, but certainly one that we were tremendously grateful to receive!
Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates has been fully-funded by the Governor, House, and Senate in the FY 2022 budget. More to come, but exciting affirmation from the Executive and Legislature on the importance of this programming.