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Vicky Kruslemsky: A Visionary Leader for Youth Solutions

At Youth Solutions, we are incredibly grateful to our Board of Directors who support and guide our strategic direction, giving generously of their time and talents.

Guiding our organization as the newly appointed Board Chair for Youth Solutions is Vicky Kruslemsky, who brings passion, dedication, and a strong commitment to community service to our organization. With over 25 years of experience in the corporate world, Vicky brings a fresh perspective to Youth Solutions, driven by her desire to give back and make a positive impact on the lives of youth in Michigan. As we celebrate 15 years of Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) programming, Vicky shares her journey and her vision for the future of Youth Solutions.

Vicky's journey with Youth Solutions began two years ago when she joined the board. Motivated by her previous experience working with at-risk youth during her college days at Campfire Boys and Girls, she felt a strong connection to the mission and values of Youth Solutions. Having worked in the corporate sector for most of her career, she missed the sense of purpose that comes from helping others and saw this as an opportunity to contribute to a cause close to her heart.

Reflecting on her favorite memory of serving on the board, Vicky points to her experiences volunteering at the Career Development Conference (CDC). This event provided a platform for her and other volunteers to share their knowledge and expertise with JMG youth from across the state. Witnessing firsthand the impact of their efforts and the transformation of young lives left a lasting impression on Vicky.

“I enjoy being included in the CDC and asked to participate because it adds so much more value to what we’re doing. We get to see exactly what the kids are experiencing and who we're impacting, and that is priceless.”

As the new Board Chair, Vicky envisions a future for Youth Solutions that is constantly evolving and striving for greatness. With her guidance, we are positioned for a future characterized by continuous improvement, creative approaches, and unwavering dedication to the youth we serve. She firmly believes in never settling for “just good” and is always seeking inventive and creative ways to expand programming and foster new partnerships.

With the rapid pace of change in the nonprofit sector, Vicky stresses the importance of staying ahead by embracing innovative perspectives and techniques. She acknowledges the passion and rapport within our team and sees it as a catalyst for continued growth and success. Her passion, along with the collective efforts of our organization, will undeniably leave a lasting impact on the lives of young people, inspiring and connecting them to achieve a future beyond imagination.

To learn more about our Board of Directors, visit our website.


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