Dr. Joe Johnson, International Speaker and Peak Performance Coach
Dr. Joe Johnson (Dr. Joe) was high energy when he entered the stage. He immediately captivated the audience at the Career Development Conference held on April 29th. As Dr. Joe was speaking, he pulled out a healthy wad of money from his pocket. He kept repeating himself, over and over. The audience looked a bit puzzled at first, until one person made the connection.
That brave soul went up to Dr. Joe and took the money!
But that was exactly the point that Dr. Joe was trying to convey to the audience. Don’t be a follower. Get up. Act now.

Dr. Joe Johnson, International Speaker, and Peak Performance Coach is on a mission to transform culture and develop individuals so they can make the most of their talents. During his speech at the Career Development Conference, Dr. Joe was all about engaging and pulling out the best in this group of young people.
Prior to this path, Dr. Joe was a school counselor. That’s where he realized that individuals need to see the value in themselves first. “The real work starts on the inside first, “ he explained. Minor shifts can have major impacts. Dr. Joe went on to say “Graduate high school. Go to college. You’ll be happy. That’s a lie. You have to tap into yourself. Know yourself. Keep that toddler curiosity and pursue your purpose.”
In his book with a similar title, Dr. Joe Johnson instructs youth to pursue their purpose and not their dreams. “I’d love to be on stage with Beyonce and Bruno, but I can’t sing!” said Dr. Joe. The point is, you need to put your dreams in context. He said that we need to stop going along with the program that we were given by someone else. Do the work to find your purpose because that’s the reason why you are put on this earth. Focus on your natural abilities. Understand what you are good at and what you enjoy. Tap into yourself. Know yourself. Figure out what you want for your life and go after it.
Think. Act. Live with purpose and intention. That’s the message of Dr. Joe Johnson.
Based on that information, what will you do differently with your day today?