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Youth Visualize Their Potential at In-person Career Development Conference

On April 29, Youth Solutions hosted the 12th annual Career Development Conference (CDC) in person at the Lansing Center, welcoming 124 JMG youth to showcase their workplace skills and knowledge through career-based competition. The day consisted of individual and group events, networking with one another and business leaders, a keynote speaker and awards ceremony, creating a truly immersive experience for youth to envision their future careers.

​​“The CDC was a great experience for me to put into practice what I've learned in JMG. Being in a professional environment was something I've never done before, but JMG gave me the confidence I needed,” said Lamont Hawkins, a student at Bridge Academy of Southwest Michigan. “I was inspired by other youth in attendance and liked being part of something bigger (than myself).”

Awards were given in five events; JMG Bowl, Creative Problem Solving, Mentorship Interviews, Career Preparation, and JMG Marketing. Congratulations to the winners!

JMG Bowl

1st Place - Hartford High School

  • Andres Cardoso, Jairo Lopez, Emily Muller, Yisell Gonzalez l

2nd Place - Michigan Works! Southwest

  • Paris-Fluker, Aleeiah Cole, Devon VanAmayden, LaKavia West-Martinez, Jaleya Moore

3rd Place - Marquette Alger Technical Middle College

  • Samantha Finch, Samantha Fortunado, Matthew Basa

Chapter Marketing

1st Place - Bridge Academy of Southwest Michigan- Click here to watch the winning video.

  • James Anthony, Lamont Hawkins, Tijuan Campbell, Jamir Banister, Jaylen Banister, Za’india Street, Brooke Triplett, Jamar Bledsoe, Aidan Low, Ian Watson, Jasmine Laylin, Lindsey Collins

2nd Place - Hartford Giggle Squad, Hartford High School

  • Eddanie Flores, David Martinez, Maritza Ramon, Janet Francisco, Josaleen Ponce, Rachel Keifer, Biance Lopez

3rd Place - Hartford Bilingual, Hartford High School

  • Jairo Lopez, Emily Muller, Anderson Pineda, Allan Zaldivar-Vega, Suli Sinai Zavaleta, Sebastian Gonzalez, Sontee Mendoza, Leah Fish, Andres Quiroz, Brenda Parra

Interview Skills

1st Place - Saba Khan, Michigan Works! Southwest

2nd Place - Jasmin Garcia, Hartford High School

3rd Place - Jabriana Taylor-Garrett, Pershing High School

Career Preparation

1st Place - Tayeful Islam, Hamtramck High School

2nd Place - Sereta Fager, Northwestern Michigan College

3rd Place - Elizabeth Garrett, Casman Academy

Creative Problem Solving

1st Place - Eaton County OOS

  • Luis-Miguel Rivera, Ethan Dawson, Hanalethia Garivay

2nd Place - Marquette Alger Technical Middle College

  • Tyler McAllister, Persephone Holcomb

3rd Place - Lansing School District

  • Jacob Miller, Gavin Elanbaas, Javier Ruperto, Donnie (Adam) Dominion


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